Description: Emotional music begins to play. Man begins to speak.
Warren: My first reaction when I heard Sandra had cancer was denial.
Description: A happy, family portrait of a woman, man and infant daughter appears.
Description: The video turns to the man in a room. A white box appears at the same time with red text that reads, Warren, Sandra’s husband.
Warren: I think before we even heard the word cancer, I was just denying the fact that it was very much a possibility that it can happen to anybody.
Description: A photo of a woman and Warren wearing winter attire appears. A white box with red text appears on the screen that reads, yesterday, a healthy lifestyle.
Description: The scene cuts to a woman speaking in a room. A white box appears at the same time with red text that reads, Sandra, 30, Lymphoma cancer patient.
Sandra: We had a pretty active lifestyle before I got sick. We have a Dragon Boat team with our family. We have a home gym. We like to get out with our daughter.
Description: A picture of Sandra, Warren and their infant daughter appears. Their daughter is in a chest carrier worn by Warren. The family is smiling.
Sandra: She has dance classes.
Description: A picture of Sandra, Warren and their infant daughter appears. They are all bundled in winter attire, smiling for the camera.
Sandra: She's a very busy, energetic little girl that needs to be kept busy.
Description: Then video then cuts to a photo of Sandra and Warren who are wearing numbers on their chest for a marathon. They are both smiling for the camera.
Warren: We were active, we were healthy. We always bought our fresh fruits, veggies, every couple of days.
Description: The video returns to Sandra and Warren sitting beside each other in the room.
Warren: Every couple of days, we had, our meals, we had lots of balance between our meats, our fruits and our vegetables.
Description: The video cuts to Warren.
Warren: That's just was we enjoyed. We don't drink much, we don't smoke.
Description: The video returns to Sandra and Warren.
Warren: We're out every day, we have a dog, so I take her for a run in the mornings and Sandra would take her with a walk for our daughter in the afternoons.
Description: The video returns to Warren.
Warren: I guess just average people, but active and healthy, and we prided ourselves on being healthy and taking care of ourselves to live a long and healthy life. It's just you don't get to decide how your life goes sometimes.
Description: A photo of Sandra and Warren wearing winter attire appears. A white box with red text appears on the screen that reads, the diagnosis.
Description: The video returns to Sandra and Warren.
Warren: What happened was really just out of the blue.
Description: The video cuts to Sandra.
Sandra: There's no history in my family of the type of cancer I have. That's one of the top three reasons you get Lymphoma, but there isn't any in my family. There's no history of it.
Description: The video returns to Sandra and Warren.
Sandra: I was going just for a check-up, get my teeth cleaned, I hadn't been in a while, and wasn't expecting to be where we are now.
Description: The video cuts to Warren.
Warren: I just kept telling myself, "The results will come back in and it will be nothing. We'll get this removed. She'll have her nice visit to the dentist she's been waiting for.
Description: The video returns to Sandra and Warren.
Warren: And we'll move forward and there will be lots of time, that we can play with our daughter and just have a normal summer that way."
Description: A photo of Sandra and Warren wearing winter attire appears. A white box with red text appears on the screen that reads, the beginning treatment, a lifestyle change.
Description: The video cuts to Warren.
Warren: The first day or so was...It kind of felt like a bomb had gone off in our lives. It was like a ringing in my ears and you're trying to absorb everything all at once, and there's so many emotions.
Description: The video returns to Sandra and Warren.
Warren: You kind of have to buckle down and say,
Description: The video cuts to a photo of Sandra and Warren who are smiling. They are both bald.
Warren: "No, this was... it doesn't really matter how I feel right now. We got to take care of Sandra."
Description: A photo of Sandra and Warren wearing winter attire appears. A white box with red text appears on the screen that reads, the beginning treatment, today and tomorrow.
Description: The video returns to Sandra and Warren.
Warren: You go through life and people hear the word insurance, and I think sometimes there's a negative stigma attached to that, but this really was something that helped us take care of us, take care of our family, and provide, as a husband, as I said to provide for my wife and my daughter, and it was just such a good thing. Such a good thing. The service we received, it was unbelievable how great everybody was.
Description: Sandra and Warren are featured walking in a busy downtown area, walking together, holding hands and smiling.
Description: The screen goes white. Red text appears that says, talk to your advisor today. Canada Life logo appears.